April 8 2015

VCH Trade Figures for 2014

Verband Chemiehandel (VCH) publishes 2014 Trade Figures

German chemicals distribution trade association Verband Chemiehandel e.V. (Cologne, Germany) has recently published its annual set of statistical data “The Chemical Wholesale Trade in Figures – 2014”.
Reported turnover (excl. VAT) was EUR 13’412 mn, an increase of 4.0% versus the previous year. Inventory holding distributors (“Platzhandel”) contributed EUR 4’113 mn or 30.7%, up 3.8%. Specialty distributors and importers / exporters  accounted for EUR 9’299 mn or 69.3%, up 6.4%. That second figure is further broken down into domestic sales of EUR 5’014 mn with a growth rate of 2.2% and sales via subsidiaries abroad of EUR 4’285 mn, which grew 6.4%.
Total domestic turnover amounted to EUR 9’127 mn, of which 34.0% were direct shipments (“Streckengeschäfte”).
The number of companies is reported at 153 (est.). Total employment in the sector is close to 7’200 jobs.

Source: Verband Chemiehandel website, see www.vch-online.de for more information

HGE – DCG / 08.04.2015

DistriConsult comment: For the full text see https://www.vch-online.de/images/downloads/TRADE/CIZ_14_englisch.pdf in English and https://www.vch-online.de/images/downloads/TRADE/CIZ-14.pdf in German.

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